Thursday, May 30, 2024

Where I'll be until June 8- the Westin at Crown Center in Kansas City!


So I'll be off to score Advanced Placement exams for the 16th straight year (well, I've scored them for 16 years, but for reasons I don't care to get into I did it online for two straight years a while back.  2020 and 2021 to be exact.  You'll figure it out.)

And this year we have a new city as our host.  From 2008 through 2016 we were in Louisville Kentucky, then in 2017 we were in Tampa, then back to Louisville, for one year, then Tampa again, then online scoring, then Tampa again, and now Kansas City.  I've never been to KC but I'll be arriving pretty early on Saturday morning and hope to catch a few of the sites, maybe take a trip to the Truman Library (the World War I museum is staying open late for us on Wednesday so I will cross that off the list later.)  A Royals game is a possibility next Friday, we'll see.  

My hotel is a full mile from the convention center where I'll be working from 8 to 5 for seven straight days, giving every essay that shows up on my laptop a fair and honest read to the best of my ability.  So it will be easier than ever to get my steps in, and I expect to complete the annual "Lazy Marathon" in record time this year...

See you when I get back- until then, enjoy the archives and click a few ads if you want to contribute!  I should get SOME benefit out of commercials, after all!

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