Sunday, January 6, 2013

Four Years Later, Time for a Change?

When I started this blog on New Year's Day, 2009, I figured it would end up like 99% of all the other blogs out there- I would run out of material, run out of time, and run out of interest, after a few weeks or a few months, and it would just die quietly on the vine unwept and unsung.

Instead, I find that there's apparently no end to the stupidity running rampant on our television screens, and for advertising agencies the race to the very bottom apparently resulted in the bottom being hit, and the shovels coming out to create a New Bottom.  So I, and we, go on.

But over the past several months, many of my younger readers (as long-time readers of this blog are already aware, I'm a High School history teacher at a religious private school) have asked me to consider changing the name of this blog.  I've tossed the idea around for a while, but always thought it would cause more confusion that it was worth.

However, last year Google decided to pull my AdShare agreement, claiming some abuse, and denying my appeal roughly 20 minutes after it was filed.  At that moment, I decided to look for a new host server where I might be eligible to snatch up a little ad revenue.  If everything goes according to plan, I'll be moving this to another platform sometime this spring.  Plans are still in the preliminary stage, but I thought that maybe I could usher in the New Year by experimenting with a new name as well.

I am also taking advantage of the fact that my "followers" list is still very small, and not growing- I added exactly ONE new follower in 2012.  This could be a hassle if I ever got a decent fan base going; maybe it's a good idea to make major changes now rather than later?

Anyway, I'm going to give the new name a try, and see if it grows on me.  I'll keep the very few of you who are regulars here up to date about future changes; don't worry, the bitter, angry snark will remain intact.


  1. I've been thinking of migrating to WordPress myself. LiveJournal is getting too blasted unreliable.

  2. I have been a huge fan for about 2 years and when I have time I post as many comments as I can. I use to post under thepapers but now I use a new email address and I think I show up as csalk. However, I do not believe I ever became an official follower unless that happens automatically when you comment. I will look into it. This is the only "blog" I have anything to do with so I dont know how it works. Anyway, amongst other things I have a degree is computer science and have spent 11 years in the IT field. If there is anyway I can help you with the new site let me know. Building a website perhaps. Some search engine optimization. And as always if you ever have computer problems dont hesitate to email me. I will see is I can contact you through this site so I can give you my email address. I would love to help you expand this thing you have going. I view you as one of the funniest, smartest and most insightful people I have ever met, albeit virtually.
